Monday, August 27, 2012


As we go through life I think we all wonder why we go through certain experiences like losing a loved one, losing a job, losing a home and the loss of companion. Its funny how we always focus on the experiences of loss and never evaluate the positive experiences like getting into the school of your choice, or landing your dream job, finding the home that is perfect for you and your family, traveling with your loved ones or any other experience that was peaceful and joys. Its as if through the pain of loss we are able to achieve something higher out of our lives.

All of life works in cycles. Just as you have your moments of happiness their are also your moments of sadness. I by no means am saying that its black and white, that either you are happy or you are sad, in all actuality the whole cycle is gray. Filled with all kinds of emotions that are related in some way to those of happiness or sadness. Why then are these two emotions the strongest? I feel that is because they are the polar opposites of each other. The world around us is a beacon of duality and it survives on the balance between those to thrive. In a similar fashion our lives are surrounded by duality like happiness and sadness. We need both to survive for each fulfills its role in helping us get to a different level of consciousness then we already are in. Tolle explains in A New Earth: Awakening to your Life's Purpose, "Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment" (pg.41). Every experience serves a purpose. Like the old saying everything happens for a reason. We may not know why it is that things are the way they are and it may not even be for us to know but in accepting that every experience we have in life will take us to the place that we need to be brings with it a sense of comfort. It helps break the duality of happiness and sadness and allows you to come to a place of peace.

For me peace and acceptance are interchangeable. You can't have one without the other. If you can accept your life situations and know that just like the sun and moon are in cycle with one another so to are your moments of happiness and sadness then their is a peace that comes to your soul. You realize that none of those moments will last forever, especially not the sadness. So even in your moments of despair you will be able to smile and know that your feelings of loss will not be with you forever. Trust me it is much easier said then done. Their are days I still feel like the pain of loss will never leave me but it is all still part of the process. It is still an experience that will lead me to a higher place of consciousness and therefore I embrace it. I allow my self to cry, to feel hurt, to morn the loss of those dreams that I once had because in doing so I surrender my self to the higher powers and allow my self to become more conscious. Don't deprive your self of any experience that comes your way for in each experience, happy or sad, you allow yourself to become more conscious and more awaken to your true existence. Know that peace is not associated with either and comes from knowing that the cycle is necessary.

With Love & Peace