Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Into the Grey: Going Beyond Race

I haven't written a post in a long time and given the current nature of things thought it would be appropriate to express myself in this platform. I am sure that there are many people out there that will not agree with what I have to say. My job is not to convenience you of a point of view, it's to show you that there is another way...

Let me start of with saying that I will not be commenting on the legality of the events in Ferguson. I have no criminal justice background and therefore it is out of my expertise. My objective here is not to determine guilt or innocence, it is merely to awaken your mind to another way of thinking. 

The events taken place across the states after the grand jury's decision has been both equally saddening and alarming. After hearing the verdict on Monday night, I went to sleep only to wake up to see the horrific images of fire and tear gas across Ferguson. This city had been destroyed by its own individuals in the name of justice. Anger, frustration, and resentment bleed through state lines as the protest for justice took place in many states. As I look at these images I can't help but to think to myself that it's all in vain. People are trying to close a cut artery with a bandage, and will it may stop the bleeding for a moment, eventually the blood will come pouring out.

The issues of race and racial inequality that have been exhaustively discussed throughout this case has made me realize just how much we have been brainwashed into these ideas. The notions of race has been embedded into our lives from the moment that we enter this world. A mother who has just given birth indicates her child's race long before the child can even know that race exists.  We are classified into narrow categories and taught to stand up for who we are, but who are we really? Are we merely the sum of the color of our skin? Are we not, at our core, all human beings? 

History has shown us time and time again of men fighting men for peace, safety and security. We as mankind are destroying the world that we live in. Killing our own brothers and sisters in the name of freedom and justice. We are the ones destroying our cities and continuing the cycle of pain and suffering that our forefathers fought to destroy. Instead of making things better we are perpetuating a culture of violence for the sake of peace. How does that make sense? 

To make a change in the world you must be the change! We have an opportunity here to stop seeing the world in such a narrow perspective. The world is not black or white, its' grey. And in this grey world we are all children of God. Our lives, no matter the color of our skin, are valuable. I believe that we have an obligation to see past our physical differences and see each other for who we really are. I believe this is the real change that we are looking for. When mankind learns to be kind men this world will be the kind of place that we all want to live in. 

1 comment:

  1. Great and timely post. I created this music video as a means of addressing the racial upheaval in America. I would be honored if you checked it out. Share responsibly.

    Ball of Confusion 2014:
