Thursday, December 1, 2011

Reset Button

I grew up playing video games on the original Nintendo console and I loved the fact that when I was losing or the game wasn't going the way that I wanted it to I could just reset the game and start over. So what if we could implement that same practice in our lives? The moment things began to go astray or became to complicated we could just reset and start over.

Unfortunately I don't know of any technology that allows us to truly reset our lives and start over at the beginning, but I think we naturally reset throughout our lives. The people that we are right now are far away from the people that we thought we would be when we were children and the people that we will be in the future won't be the people that we in-vision in this moment. The reason why is because we constantly reset our lives. Sometimes we do this consciously but most of time it happens unconsciously.

I've been traveling down a path now for the past 7 years that has lead me on a serious of crazy adventures. Some incredibly fulfilling and others extremely devastating. After every experience I learned something that helped me move on to another crazy situation but the chaos never stopped. Towards the end there were moments of fulfillment but mostly just devastation. Then one day I woke up and realized that I was tried of the chaos. While the past 7 years of my life would be something I would never erase, I had out grown it. I had walked down the same road over and over again. I knew what was waiting for me at each intersection and I didn't desire it anymore. Every ounce of my soul yearned to be somewhere else...anywhere else but where I was and that's when it happened...I got the answers that I had been waiting for; the conformation that I no longer had to travel this road anymore, the realization that I had seen everything that I could possibly see and now it was time to explore a new one. Despite everything, a part of me is saddened to leave the path that has been my home for so long, but I believe fully that one day I will turn onto this road again and be amazed at the transformation that has taken place. Until then I look forward to the new road I will be traveling on along with the new adventures that will sweep me away.

Everyone will reset the path they walk more then once in life and it will be scary, VERY SCARY, but remember that you wouldn't reset if it wasn't absolutely necessary for you to do so. The reason why one must go down a new path is because the path they were on wasn't where they needed to be. So when that day comes and you reset take the lessons that you've learned and set out on a new adventure with faith in your heart and peace in your soul. Know that you are right where you were meant to be and everything else will flow naturally.

 Today marks my reset day. The ending of one beautiful, crazy journey and the start of another.

 With Faith, Love & Peace!

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