Friday, September 10, 2010

Labour Day Weekend-2010

My first holiday weekend in Maryland proved to be a wonderful delight! To be honest I thought I was going to miss home and friends a lot, but that was totally not the case.

I got to spend the weekend with some amazing people. All of which have such unique and wonderful personalities that there was never a dull moment. Making the trip to Great Falls was absolutely wonderful. Spending the afternoon exploring the place that I am going to call home for at least the next 2 years of my life was a true blessing. The weekend ended just as quickly as it begin. By the time Monday rolled around, I had no coherent relocation of how 2 days had gone by so quickly.

Unfortunately, just like every other high in the world, I had to be brought back down to reality and see everyone leave. I didn't think that it would affect me, but then again I don't think a lot of things will affect me, but they do. It was hard adjusting to the quite, but it was an adjustment that was necessary especially since this coming weekend will be the big move into my own place....EEKS!

While there is a sense of excitement and curiosity of what living on my own is going to be like, there is also a sense of worry that maybe the quite will be too quite...but I guess time will tell.

As for now I'm riding the wave of positivity and continuing to keep calm and carry on. I have an undying sense of faith and I know that it will take me exactly where I need to be!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Move

It seems that my Journey is finally beginning, well in fact I think that maybe I've always been on the journey but never realized it.

A lot has changed over the past couple of weeks. To start of I've moved to a new place where I am going to be attending an amazing university (JHU). I've left my loved ones behind on a quest for higher education and self fulfillment. For those of you that know me you might find that funny coming from my mouth cause, lets be honest, I haven't really ever been the type to focus solely on my self and my needs. It's funny cause I thought it would be much easier then I anticipated, I thought I would just pack up and leave and that it wouldn't affect. Who was I kidding!! The overly emotional person that I am is honestly having a hard time dealing with the changes of being away from home and people that I love and care about! There are moments when I want to break down and cry and moments where I feel like I'm invincible, but I guess that is the natural process of become familiar with ones self and ones needs.

It's truly shocking sometimes that things that I say. I would have never thought that I not only could understand how important it was for me to find peace within my self but to also strive to achieve that. I am determined to live for me, to make all the experiences in the world that I need to, to seize every moment and every opportunity to the best of my ability. For once in my life I realize that I am still young and that I have plenty of time to learn the lessons of life, love and everything in between. I know that in due time everything will fall into place just the way that it needs to!

My favorite quote from Vanilla Sky explains it all. "you can't enjoy the sweet unless you have experienced the sour". I this this holds true for everything in life. It's not about what the end result may be but its about THE JOURNEY that takes you there...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Bollywood, the Indian Film Industry, is by far one of the largest and fastest growing film industries in the world. It has adapted to the demands of the younger generations and changed it's stories from sappy love stories to more dynamic and complex story lines where the guy and the girl don't necessary end up together. Although I truly appreciate the changes that Bollywood has made in order to be more successful on a national level, I can't help but feel like the classic bollywood films, like Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (DDLJ), sets the standard for what Indian Cinema was suppose to be like.

Granted, real life doesn't work like Bollywood films. The first guy that you come across isn't going to be the one that you spend the rest of your life with, and we all know that our lives don't come with cheesy song and dance sequences but I would argue that; that is the true fun of Bollywood!

For me, classic Bollywood films have always given me a reason to believe in love and I fell like now, more then ever, our generation needs to believe in that once again. As crazy as it may sound, I'm sure most young southeast Asian girls grew up imagining the person they fall in love with would be like Raj from DDLJ and while we know that he may not exist in the world, is it really that bad to have faith that maybe he does??

Honestly I have no idea what the answer is, I just know that faith in anything will never let you down. I don't think that there is any women out there that doesn't want to swept off her feet and while there may not be a Raj for all of us, there will be someone that comes close to our idea of perfection and truly, that is all that matters!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Inception: A film by Christopher Nolan

What is inception? Inception is a wonderful film by Christopher Nolan of "The Dark Knight" fame. The film, with all of its complexities is by far one of the best films that I have seen this summer!

I by no means am a movie critic. I simply enjoy watching films and writing about those that truly inspire me or question my understanding of the world. This film did both for me, not only is it inspiring intellectually but it also makes you question the nature of dreams.

I don't consider my self to be an expert on dream analysis, but dreams have always been a part of my life. Showing me things that I fear, things that i love, and most importantly things about my self and those around me that I may have overlooked...a visual depiction of my subconscious. What I failed to realize was the powerful nature of the subconscious it self.

Have you ever woken up from a dream and felt like you were never really asleep? That the dream wasn't a dream but was reality. The dreams reality, or our perception of its reality, is nothing more then the acceptance of the dream in question. When we consciously choose to validate what a dream has shown us, we legitimize our subconscious depiction of it, thereby making it an even more powerful tool. It has the ability to create a world that looks and feels real to us. A world that we fill with our projections of people and memories that are buried within our very being. It can scare us, mend us, uplift us and at the same time harm us.

What the movie does brilliantly is make the connection that while our subconscious is a part of who we are it is also something that can be controlled by not only our selves, but those around us. In the film, an individual is tricked into believing an idea that wasn't real, an idea that was planted into the individuals subconscious by someone else. The characters conscious acceptance of "his" dream legitimizes his subconscious depiction of reality which he takes to be insight that he hadn't seen before...

This posses a serious question...Can we truly trust our dreams? More importantly can we trust what our subconscious shows us in those dreams knowing that it has the ability to be manipulated?

For me the answer is NO. I take my dreams with a grain of salt. They never are written in stone but are mere examples of things that could be, should be, or might have been.

If you haven't seen this movie I ask that you take the time to watch it. I can't promise that you will love it, or that it will even impact your life in any way but I can say that it will be the most entertaining 2 hours of your life!