Friday, September 10, 2010

Labour Day Weekend-2010

My first holiday weekend in Maryland proved to be a wonderful delight! To be honest I thought I was going to miss home and friends a lot, but that was totally not the case.

I got to spend the weekend with some amazing people. All of which have such unique and wonderful personalities that there was never a dull moment. Making the trip to Great Falls was absolutely wonderful. Spending the afternoon exploring the place that I am going to call home for at least the next 2 years of my life was a true blessing. The weekend ended just as quickly as it begin. By the time Monday rolled around, I had no coherent relocation of how 2 days had gone by so quickly.

Unfortunately, just like every other high in the world, I had to be brought back down to reality and see everyone leave. I didn't think that it would affect me, but then again I don't think a lot of things will affect me, but they do. It was hard adjusting to the quite, but it was an adjustment that was necessary especially since this coming weekend will be the big move into my own place....EEKS!

While there is a sense of excitement and curiosity of what living on my own is going to be like, there is also a sense of worry that maybe the quite will be too quite...but I guess time will tell.

As for now I'm riding the wave of positivity and continuing to keep calm and carry on. I have an undying sense of faith and I know that it will take me exactly where I need to be!

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