Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Move

It seems that my Journey is finally beginning, well in fact I think that maybe I've always been on the journey but never realized it.

A lot has changed over the past couple of weeks. To start of I've moved to a new place where I am going to be attending an amazing university (JHU). I've left my loved ones behind on a quest for higher education and self fulfillment. For those of you that know me you might find that funny coming from my mouth cause, lets be honest, I haven't really ever been the type to focus solely on my self and my needs. It's funny cause I thought it would be much easier then I anticipated, I thought I would just pack up and leave and that it wouldn't affect. Who was I kidding!! The overly emotional person that I am is honestly having a hard time dealing with the changes of being away from home and people that I love and care about! There are moments when I want to break down and cry and moments where I feel like I'm invincible, but I guess that is the natural process of become familiar with ones self and ones needs.

It's truly shocking sometimes that things that I say. I would have never thought that I not only could understand how important it was for me to find peace within my self but to also strive to achieve that. I am determined to live for me, to make all the experiences in the world that I need to, to seize every moment and every opportunity to the best of my ability. For once in my life I realize that I am still young and that I have plenty of time to learn the lessons of life, love and everything in between. I know that in due time everything will fall into place just the way that it needs to!

My favorite quote from Vanilla Sky explains it all. "you can't enjoy the sweet unless you have experienced the sour". I this this holds true for everything in life. It's not about what the end result may be but its about THE JOURNEY that takes you there...

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