Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Crazy, Stupid Love

It has been some time since I last wrote an entry. I don't quite remember why it was that I stopped writing but for my first entry back what better way to start off then talking about love.

I just watched this movie tonight and I have to say that it was a lot more then I anticipated it to be. It was funny at times, and yet heart warming at other. It is a stereotypical chick flick but I think that is what makes it worth watching.

The movie talks about love and the sometimes crazy and stupid things that we do for love. What makes it so great is that everyone has been there in their lives and therefore can relate to some, if not all aspects of the film. Witch makes it a feel-good film at the end of the day.

The message that I loved the most about the film was the notion of not giving up on love. I know that we have all experienced it and seen it in our own lives. Life, society whatever you want to call it teaches us to give up on love. Just like the kid in the movie I used to think that Love was going to be a given in my life. That I would grow up and fall in love and get married have children and live in a beautiful home with my husband. The thing that I didn't realize when I was a child is that not all of it is a given. Love, in and off itself, is a given. We all find love in our lives. But the rest of it is not...the marriage, the home, the children....all of that comes with time and effort and a great deal of understanding and growing with that love and that is where we all mess up. We find our one true love, our soulmate, and then we just let them walk out of our lives for the stupidest reasons. The movies helps bring back those childish emotions of love.

While it may be hard and discouraging at times; be the person that you are. Love the way that you know you would want to be loved. Most importantly though, don't give up on your childish dreams of love because I promise you they will come true...

With Faith in my heart.

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