Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fearless defines fear as a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain etc. either real or imagined. Therefore, by definition being fearless means to be without fear, or devoid of the feelings of distress.

The majority of fear that we feel is not associate to some form of pending danger, but rather an illusion of danger. I'll give you and example. I love my parents and my family very much and they mean a lot to me, but the majority of the decisions that I have made in my life have been in fear of them. Fear that I would hurt them, fear that they would not want to be a part of my life anymore, fear that I would be alone in this world....all of which are simple illusions that my mind created. While it is possibly true that my parents/family wouldn't support my every decision it does not mean that they should have control over them either! If they decided that they didn't want to be a part of my life because of a decision that I made, does that mean that I should stop living my life?

The answer is very obvious, NO! But for anyone that had grown up in an Indian household they know that the answer is not that simple. It's taken me almost 25 years to realize how simple it all really is...My life, is and always will be, MY LIFE. Living in fear of hurting those that I love and care about so much has only prevented me from living. Prevented me from being at peace with my self and prevented me from being happy. Ultimately my fear has kept me from living all these year and now, as I get close to my 25th birthday I realize how foolish it has been to hang on to this fear.

So, to all of you out there I say shed your fears. All of them! Do things that you have always been afraid of. Try foods that you haven't before. Go skydiving, or do anything else that you have always wanted to do but just been too afraid to. The outcome of these things may not be exactly what you thought but whatever comes of them it will be liberating to know that there is no more fear and subsequently no feelings of distress or pain. Take your life back from fear and see how much better it can be.

Living Fearless!

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