Monday, November 7, 2011

The Way of the Cross

In The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle talks about the religious view of suffering as a means of finding God;

"The way of the cross is a complete reversal. It means that the worst things in your life, your cross, turns into the best thing that ever happened to you, by forcing you into surrender, into 'death,' forcing you to become as nothing, to become as God-because God, too, is no-thing." (Tolle pg.225)

This is a very powerful message! The idea that your suffering your pain can become your salvation. That in your moment of despair you will find God and be at peace. But do you have to suffer at all? To have to wait till your moment of despair to find God and be at peace?....NO!

For most us that are unaware or rather I say unconscious of the Now, the way of the cross will be the only chance for salvation. In their final moments they will come to find peace as their physical form dies. All the years of anger, resentment and pain that they carried would not exist because in their despair their pain would have forced them into the Now where they would find peace and in turn God. This however, does not have to be the case for all of humanity. We do not have to wait for our moments of despair to be at peace.

By surrendering ourselves into the present, the Now, we strengthen our bond with ourselves and we find peace and in turn God. Surrendering doesn't mean to throw your hands up in the air and just let things happen to you. It means allowing what is present in your life situation to be. To not label it as good or bad, but to embrace it as part of your life situation at this moment. If you feel sorrow then be present to that feeling. Understand where it comes from and why it is there. It is in being aware in the Now that we let go of our pain and find peace. Our life situations are constantly changing and knowing this allows us to not let every emotion, every thought, every "bad" situation prevent us from peace!

Embrace the moment Live in it! For only then will you be able to see how small it is in comparison to you. Let your cross be every moment of your life situation and let peace resonate from your core!

With Love & Peace

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