Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgivng Day

Originally I wanted to write a post on Thanksgiving Day talking about the importance of friends and family in our lives and how grateful we should all be to have people to spend the holidays with since there are many people that will be spending the holidays alone...I guess that post was never meant to be. Instead I wanted to share with you two stories, both of which are true, that took place over the thanksgiving day weekend.

Thanksgiving Day was wonderful this year. I got to spend the day with my dear friend and her daughters and nice. We started the morning off each sharing what we were thankful for this holiday season and simply enjoyed our selves. Since neither one of us felt like cooking, or rather I say felt like doing dishes, we decided to partake in the festivities at Golden Corral...just wait, the story get better. So we get there around 4 and there is a line almost outside the door! Apparently Golden Corral was the place to be. We finally get seated and grabed our plates and split up to get food. I'm waiting in line at the salad bar area and in front of me is this older Indian man that I don't know. A little boy comes running up to the line and jumps right in front of me. I don't say anything cause it's the holidays and it's really not going to kill me to wait a few extra seconds to get some salad on my plate. His sister, seeing him do this, immediately comes up to him and says, "Don't you see that they are together?". The little boy looks at me and then at the Indian man in front of him and apologizes for cutting in line.... I started laughing loudly, I'm sure the people thought I was crazy. I told the kids that I wasn't with the man and that it was okay that they cut in line. They both blushed and went about their business. Apparently even in the 21st century all Indian people are related, LOL.

 The next story takes place the next day:
After being at work for most of the day on black Friday, I meet up with my friend and her family since they were also at the mall to kill some time and get a bite to eat. We went to Guess since a member of the group wanted to get something. We were all hovered over her at the register and she was showing us what she was thinking of purchasing.  As we are discussing this, the associate asks us to move out of the way because someone was trying and pass through. I turn my head around to look and see who's path we were blocking because I hadn't noticed anyone come around us... Turns out the person the associate was talking about was me. LOL. Since my skin color didn't match that of those that I was with this man assumed that we were not together and that I was trying to get through. LOL... I can't help but laugh every time I re-tell this story. The whole 20 minutes that we were in there we kept cracking jokes about it and I'm sure the man felt bad, but our jokes weren't meant to judge him. I was simply to laugh at the society that we live in (at least that was my purpose). Apparently we can only be friends with people that have the same skin color as ourselves.

My thanksgiving was seriously entertaining and really made me realize how ignorant some people still are. I just hope that those of us that know better help others that are blinded see things a little differently. You have to be the change that you want to see because only through your actions will the world really change; wanting change is simply not enough.

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