Thursday, January 19, 2012


Such a simple emotion, yet it brings with it at times such confusion.

I am no expert on the matters of the heart, I just know the truths that define who I am.  For me love is unconditional! There are no rules, no directions and no judgment. . .  it just is.  Love is pure and simple. For me there is no difference in love for friends, family, or a significant other. To me the way we love all the people in our lives is the same, we just express that love in different ways.

Anyone that knows me knows this to be true. My love for people is unconditional. Most think its crazy, but it is the all encompassing truth of who I am. When I love someone I give them my heart. . . my everything and I ask for nothing in return. I do things for the people I love regardless of the state of our relationship. Some would say this will only bring me pain, but I ask what pain can love bring?

If you love people truly, unconditionally, then nothing else matters. There are no grudges for a lack of communication between friends. There is no residual pain from a bad experience. There is no sorrow of dreams left unfulfilled. There is nothing but the feeling of love and compassion for someone else, which to me is the world most humbling feeling. We all have the ability to feel this compassion for other people but we let our fears get in the way of embracing them fully. We fear the pain of getting hurt, getting rejected, being taken advantage of and so on. But if you truly love unconditionally and expect nothing in return from the people that you love who can the hurt you, reject you or take advantage of you? Living without fear has helped me embrace this part of my self more. Trust me I know how difficult it can be to just love someone and not expect anything in return, but believe me when I say that when you begin to love unconditionally your world changes. Despite how people react to your love and compassion you are at peace knowing that you have shown them that you are there for them no matter what. I strongly believe that unconditional love has the ability to melt even the most powerful hatreds in the world, but maybe that is just my dream. . .

In this ever changing year, try to make another change in your life. Love the people in your life unconditionally and see how the year goes. I'm sure that it will be better then you could have ever imagined!

With Love & Peace

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. Love has the power to drastically change the scape of the world. However, love is no mere emotion. The love that you described, the love that you have for not just those that you care about but humanity, is the truest and only form of that expression. It is the stuff of creation and existence which only can flow from a place of peace and serenity. Love carries no emotional baggage because it flows forth from stillness. If changing the world through the power of love, the power of NOW, is a dream, then I too share in the reality of this dream. Thank you for your insights. You effect such amazing change by just being present. :-)
